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Finding My Happiness Despite Facing Lung Cancer

My diagnosis has driven me to value my time and opportunity more. On top of that, I need to find the happier side while facing lung cancer. I am thankful that my tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) prolongs my life. With a longer life, I can creatively write my lung cancer articles.

Where I find happiness

There is an endless list of things I would like to do while I am able and strong, things that give me happiness.

Making time to travel

Last year, flying to Rome and being on a plane for about nine hours made me worry a bit. Thankfully, my travel was wonderful. The long walks from one gate to the other was exhausting. However, walking at my own pace helped for sure. Just recently, I got back from Japan. Who would have thought that I could survive a 13-hour flight to Asia, but I did it! As long as I stayed hydrated, walked and stood for a bit, and ate the food served, I was fine. I am looking forward to seeing other parts of the world for as long as I can.

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Spending time with my loved ones

I am grateful my two sons have decided to stay close to home. Unlike my daughter, who lives with her family about a two and a half hour-flight away from us. It wasn't until a month after my granddaughter was born, that I was able to visit my daughter’s family. On one of my trips with my husband, her family joined us too. I am thankful that I got to spend more time with my grandchildren. Hopefully, they will get to visit us on the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

Having an exercise a routine

I was diagnosed with diabetes after I received my diagnosis of lung cancer. Both sides of my family have diabetes, hence my development of it as well. One thing that improves my blood sugar levels is movement or gentle exercise. With exercises like dumbbells after meals or moving for as short as ten minutes, I can get better blood sugar results. The better readings make me happy and I enjoy the relaxing feeling of exercise.

Satisfying my inner foodie

Traveling makes me crave for variety of foods. I love Japanese, Thai, Dim Sum, and Italian cuisines. I am not a fussy eater but my palate definitely has its favorites. Sometimes, with good energy level, I can cook my favorite foods and having those food cravings satisfied puts a smile on my face.

Serving others in my community

I have my church and close friends who are eager to help others in their communities. Giving back brings me so much joy. There are number of ways to contribute through my time, energy, and resources. Moreover, I love praying for others, a calling I can do freely and joyfully. Spreading love and hope to others makes me the happiest.

Keep looking for the happier side

My lung cancer is here to stay until a cure comes in the future. I am hopeful that more advances will be made to lung cancer research that leads to more prolonged lives. Throughout it all though, I will always find the happier side of my journey.

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