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  1. Lung Mets

    1. Newly formed lung mets have increased in size. Chemo to start soon🤔

      1. I am sure this is overwhelming for you. I can't even imagine how many emotions you must be feeling. I really hope chemo goes as smoothly as possible for you. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Sending you so much strength. Jill (Team Member)

      2. This is my second round of lung cancer, upper right lobe. Six months ago I had 5 rounds of radiation and to this date cancer is stable. Take care of yourself when taking cemo, it makes you sick at times. May God be by your side, your not alone. Prayers

    2. I was just diagnosed yesterday--they're not yet sure of the stage--it will either be 1 or 2.

      I had a robotic bronch/biopsy and PET/CT last week. Biopsy showed "atypical" in the nodule, "Atypical" in one set of lymph nodes and "suspicious of malgnancy" from the BAL.

      PET/CT tentatively (the doc read the results before they were formerly uploaded to the system) should no cancer.

      They're doing a SECOND robotic bronch/biopsy for the lymph nodes to hopefully hopefully hopefully rule out lymph activity, I will be doing a VAT surgery (minimally invasive to remove the nodule and do a resection) probably within the next few weeks and they're setting up an appointment with an oncologist. I was told that *probably* it would be immunotherapy if it's stage 2.

      I'm devastated. Freaking out. All of it. I have no family (meaning just two 2nd cousins, one who is bipolar and mentally challenged and the other, very very sick). I have a few very close friends who will be there for me but it's VERY hard to go through this without real family and, living alone. And asking favors from friends. (One had said she'd go with me to the hospital and last night, after I got my "suspicious of malignancy" results called and asked if she could go with me to the surgery--she lives in my neighborhood and she said, "Well, I'm doing a fun creative writing project and don't know if I can spare the time." I literally burst into tears cause I felt SO alone and told her, "Don't worry about it. There's a freelance trainer in my building I know and I can probably pay her to go with me." Because everyone else I know is working and I can't go to surgery alone. I think she felt like a total heel and she apologized and apologized and said she'd be there for me. But, who knows. So I'm going to get the trainer as a backup). People REALLY show you who they are when the chips are down.

      I'm going to get a cat sitter for when I'm in the hospital and am freaking out about that (my two cats and I haven't been apart since I got them 5 years ago) and am freaking out about the possible/maybe probably lymph node involvement.

      Is there anyone here who is stage 2 who has positive stories about beating it and getting/staying well? All good news stories are appreciated.

      1. I'm not sure of stage for me I had surgery to remove nodule in right upper lung seven months ago there was another cancerous nodule that showed up, surgery wasn't an option because removing the upper lobe would have put me on oxygen 24/7 and probably hospice. I have had 5 rounds of radiation and cancer has been stable for over 8 months. God is by your side your not alone. I'm here for you ❤️ stay strong and try not to let it get you down.

      2. Thank you so much! You are not along either. God is by your side and so am I and I know you're going to be ok! ❤️

    3. Thank you so much for the links and strength! And, I just got the results of my Pet scan and they want, in addition to everything else, a cervical lymph node biopsy.

      1. I am so happy to hear this! I am sure you are not looking forward to the biopsy, but it is good that your doctor is being thorough. I am sure this is a huge weight off of you. I will be thinking of you and praying that everything is ok for Wednesday. I am so glad you have our community to support you through this. You are not alone! I can't even imagine how difficult this month has been for you. I am glad that I was able to help you in some way, I wish there was more that we could do. But please know we will be thinking of you on Wednesday! Sending you lots of hugs. Jill (Team Member)

      2. Thank you so much, Jill! Greatly greatly appreciated.

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