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Sometimes Its O.k. To Let Your Mind Run Free

Having cancer can consume so much of both your daily and long time life. We have to keep track of all the medical appointments (oncologists, pulmonary doctors, CT scans, PETscans, blood draws) and appointments for treatments, chemo, immunology radiation. Overwhelming, right? We do this to try and conquer or cancer but sometimes in the midst of a PET scan or immunology treatment, I find my mind drift off to a place where it isn't all about cancer and instead it is the place where I walked on the sand in Hawaii, the sun was bright and the ocean was so awesome and I knew this was the perfect life. Carefree, no worries. It is o.k. to go there sometimes because we all need a break from cancer. Just that one moment of forgetfullness and peace.
My we all find peace, if just for a moment.

  1. Focusing one's attention to nature and other beautiful things is a mindfulness practice that can serve us well, thank you for sharing such an inspiring post! Yes, may we all find peace. Warmly, Alisa, Lung Cancer Team Patient Leader

    1. Hi . Recalling those positive moments in our lives is so important. It's interesting that you just wrote about this because I was recently had cause to be looking at this article discussing why good memories are less likely to fade: They note the idea that "holding onto our good memories - and leaving the bad ones behind - helps us to deal with unpleasant situations and retain a positive outlook on life." I'm a researcher by trade, but one of the things I can't help but think is that sometimes I don't care as much about the scientific reason, but simply that it is great that we hang onto and can revisit those wonderful, peaceful moments - and maybe we retain them because they are important to us. Best, Richard ( Team)

      1. reflection on something else that is better fitted for the mind is a great way to cope and embrace positive vibes. Awesome post!

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