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scheduled for a lobectomy in 2 weeks

Hello, Mine has been caught early. I was just diagnosed with Stage 1 adenocarcinoma and am scheduled to have a lobectomy in 2 weeks. My questions are: should I insist on chemo along with the lobectomy? How about radiation vs chemo? People seem to believe that I should have more than just the lobectomy. Any thoughts?

  1. Hi I am so glad you reached out to our community and I do hope our community members respond here with their personal experiences. Does your doctor think you need chemo or radiation? Do they want to do the lobectomy and then see what are next steps? I would definitely encourage you to share all your thoughts and concerns with your medical team. I am sending over this forum discussion, I hope it can help: Please keep us posted on how you are doing and feeling post-op. Jill (Team Member)

    1. Welcome to the community! I concur with you have valid points and the best eyes and ears to review them with is your health team. Sometimes friends and family mean the best in suggestion, but this is where patient advocacy comes into play. It's okay to ask your doctor to fully break down everything that is happening, and fully explain the treatment in question, and why one is chosen over something else. If the doctor and others on the team can't answer clearly then of course that leaves a big question mark on their level of service, but if they are open to explain and make sure you leave out of the consultation with understanding, then that is great. The teaching moment is to share the explanation with others who feel differently in any regard wishing you the very best in your procedure, and know that more questions at this stage are absolutely okay.
      Yolanda (Team Members)

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