Hi, my name is Denise but I also go by Denzie. I recognize many of the names I see here. I'm a 6.5 year survivor of stage 4 lung adenocarcinoma. I've no idea what my mutation status is as this was not a Standard of Care when I was diagnosed. Fortunately for me I seem to have had a complete response as I've had only one line of treatment and no maintenance drug. My dr says we'll test if/when I experience progression.
None of this has stopped me from learning about my options for future treatments though. The past few years I've had quite an education and learned some mad research skills. There were lessons that I applied when I was diagnosed with my second primary cancer. Having survived stage 4 lung cancer, being diagnosed with a stage one breast cancer did not have or the same impact or fear factor. That doesn't mean it was easy but my docs had one fierce self advocate to work with.
I look forward to getting to know you all and this site better.