I had RSV pneumonia in Nov. Recovered well. On Tuesday I went to ER with an ear infection. As precaution, they did a chest x-ray which led to a CT scan. The results are terrifying. No symptoms - no SOB - no fever etc. Scan says suggestive of multifocal pneumonia. But the CT scan says the following (what has me terrified is the irregular shaped nodules) - are they always cancer? Have an appt. with pluminologist on the 6th. There are multiple
bilateral irregularly-shaped lung nodules. Several lung nodules demonstrate central cavitary changes. Example nodule
within the medial superior segment of the right lower lobe measures 3.1 x 2.6 cm with central cavitation. Additional 4 x 2.6
cm irregularly-shaped nodule is present within the anterior left upper lobe. This lesion is without cavitary changes. No
pleural effusions. No pneumothorax. Heart size is normal. No pericardial effusion. There are shotty mediastinal and
bilateral hilar lymph nodes, likely reactive. Liver density is decreased. There are bilateral simple appearing renal cysts.
Please, any input, good or bad would help!!!