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Prominent Symptoms

What lung cancer symptoms are most prominent for you at this time? How do you manage them?

  1. I have trouble bending (eg. to pull weeds) and I get out of breath when I try to carry something and walk . I resorted to bring someone in once a week to help me clean, etc . But working in the garden and taking care of the lawn has been great therapy!

    1. I am so glad to hear you have someone that helps you once a week. I also love to work outside in my yard, I am glad to hear this has been therapeutic for you. Jill (Team Member)

    2. I have a problem tying my shoes it literally takes my breathe away. And working in the yard and garden is wonderful therapy. It helps me in that I don't dwell on upcoming tests and stuff @

  2. Yes! Getting outside and taking walks has been very therapeutic for me❤️

    1. So happy to hear that outdoor activities as gentle and simple as a walk has been a positive go-to for you. Thank you for sharing!
      Yolanda (Team Member)

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