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Likely Vs Unlikely

After being diagnosed how likely are you to tell your doctor everything in regards to how you truly feel? Are there any new worries or concerns that you're willing to share? Do you really want to know those answers?

  1. I tell my doctor and oncologist about everything, no matter how small it may seem. Even though I would love to get a new oncologist, I am stuck.

    No matter what I notice, I will share. If I don’t like the answer, I will find a second opinion

    1. I am a survivor 3 years of lung cancer level 4 A
      To be here I fired more than one doctor on the process until I found one that o trusted and cared. .
      I am 100% sure I wouldn’t be cancer free as I am if I hadn’t taken the measures I took.
      When the time came for surgery. Together we looked for alternatives at Mayo Clinic, Arizona; Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX , Anschutz Cancer Center in Denver and UNM cancer center in Albuquerque, NM.
      Eventually we chose Dr Elizabeth David at Anschutz. Simply fantastic.

    2. Great to hear you are cancer free and great that you advocated for yourself, thanks for sharing! All the best, Alisa, Lung Cancer Team Patient Leader

  2. Thanks Alisa. Got another scan coming up in a couple weeks. I will update you with the results.

    1. Thank you so much for your care and info. I will get back to you after my appointment. Joe.

    2. Hi Joe, just checking in to see how you are doing. Hope your appointment went well. ~ Alisa

  3. Thanks Alisa, I appreciate that. Hope it helps!

    1. I share everything. How else can I find out how I am doing. That is what he/she is there for.

      1. A good doctor will understand and many encourage a second opinion. I told my doctors, who I really like and trust, that I am the type of person that always wants a second set of eyes from a different comprehensive cancer center looking at my case for my own peace of mind. They understood. If they didn't, I don't think I would want them on my medical care team. I'm attaching a link below to an article by one of our members that I hope helps. Please feel free to reach out anytime, we are here for you and for each other. All the best, Alisa, Lung Cancer Team Patient Leader

      2. Hi, just following up if you were successful in seeking another opinion. Best!

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