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My Trip to Texas

One of the things that I have always enjoyed is visiting my sister in Texas. Before I was diagnosed with lung cancer we tried to fly down at least once a year. She is a school teacher so she would always try to visit in the summer. After I was diagnosed, we didn’t get to visit as much, and then covid happened and I didn’t travel on a plane for over two years. My twin and I just recently got to go on a weekend trip to visit my sister and her two sons.

Preparing for travel

With the cases of covid spiking and then going down and then spiking again we were a little nervous about flying. At the time that we went masks were not required and barely anyone was wearing them. I wore a mask at the airport going to Texas but on the way home I did not. We were at the airport very early and didn’t stand in the TSA line very long. On our way home, we got to skip the TSA line because we had my niece with us, and she was in a stroller.

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I always say that If I could live anywhere, it would be Texas, specifically the Rockwall area. I just love the area as it is very beautiful. There are also many different and wonderful places to eat in the south. In Rockwall, we like to get Chilosos and at some point, on our trips, we eat at Taco Casa.

My trip to Texas

When we arrived in Dallas we rented a car and headed to my sister's house. On our way, we stopped at a Buc-ees gas station. We need these in Illinois!

Our trip was 4 days long, 2 days for travel. We decided that we were going to stick around my sister’s house the first day so we stayed in a crafted, I taught my nephew how to make a junk journal! We had an “eat where you want” lunch that day so we all chose different places. I got Schlotsky’s, Yum!

On the second day, we traveled around to a few different thrift stores. We visited the Daiso store in Frisco, TX. I thought that was a lot of fun. After that, we ate at the hot pot restaurant across the street. We chose different meat and veggies and then cooked them in a broth base right at the table.

Over the three nights that we were in Texas, we stayed at a local hotel. We chose to not have the room cleaned during our visit to limit the number of people in the room. Another thing that we did to stay safe while traveling was we used anti-bacterial hand gel a lot and washed our hands frequently.

Looking forward to my next trip

Traveling definitely looks a lot different than it did two years ago. Being mindful of your surroundings, wearing a mask when you feel it is needed, and washing your hands can help keep you safe. I hope to visit Texas again really soon. And I also hope to travel by plane again in the near future!

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