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I’m Going To Be A Grandma Again!

Recently I had received some not-so-good news about my brain mets. I go every three months for an MRI and a CT scan. I was told recently that the two small spots in my brain have grown since my last MRI. Not much but there was some growth, but not enough to do SRS.

A month prior my oncologist had informed me they saw a small spot in my upper right lobe, but they were almost 100% positive it was COVID related. When I went for my CT scan, I had just gotten over COVID. But with the MRI results a month after my CT scan, I called my oncologist and told her I wanted another CT scan just to be sure!

Another storm to battle and win

So that week I was down and feeling depressed. I pretty much cried all week because I just kept thinking of my granddaughter and how much she still needs me and how I want to see her grow. I can be a bit dramatic and start thinking the worse. But living with lung cancer has you thinking in all sorts of ways.

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But I reminded myself that I’m a strong woman, I’m a warrior and a fighter. If these past 7 years I’ve conquered lung cancer and was NED for a long time, then I can do it again! So, I got out of that funk, brushed off my shoulder, got on my feet, stood up tall and said, “Another storm to battle and win!”

Joyous news at the perfect time

That following weekend my daughter said, “Mom, let’s go to dinner!” So we did and I had a wonderful time with my three daughters and husband.

BUT on that same day my son called me and told me, “Mom guess what? You are going to be a grandma again.” Oh, my goodness the instant joy I felt, I literally went from being sad and depressed to happy and full of joy. I was so happy I started screaming, yelling and crying! This news came at the perfect time when I needed it the most! Now all I think about is my little bundle of joy that should be arriving in late October or early November. I’m really hoping for the first week of November because grandma’s birthday is November 3rd.

Now my granddaughter is finally getting a little brother or sister and she’s so happy!

Stay positive no matter what

But this reminded me that with every bad news there’s always good news that follows. Our creator/maker sent me a wink, reassuring me that I’m still going to be around for a while, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. I still have lots of things to do here, meet more grandchildren, vacation more, see more milestones, and continue to inspire and uplift those that need it. I also like to believe my mom had a lot to do with this, she couldn’t stand to see her daughter sad and feeling a bit discouraged. So, she sent me a little angel that will keep me smiling and fighting to live longer!

I would like to encourage those that read this - yes, we’ll get bad news during our lung cancer journey. But don’t let it take over your joy and happiness. You are still here breathing, so breathe, live, laugh, love, enjoy life, stay positive no matter what, fight like hell and give lung cancer exactly that...hell!

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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