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Religion, Politics, and Lung Cancer

When I started the online group for patients by patients, I didn't realize how much it was in demand. So many people fighting this disease just need to feel as if they aren't alone. They want to feel as if they are part of something larger than themselves. With all the stigmatization we already receive on a daily basis, we need each other.

Our scary battle to fight

I have always done my best to be kind and courteous to others fighting the same battle. It's scary, I know. There aren't many great outcomes either. Some of the patients living the longest are now progressing. Why didn't the world stop spinning when this happened to us? I look around and see everyone enjoying life and not worrying quarterly about scan results.

Rule personal attacks

In order to try and maintain a cohesive and amicable environment, I made it a stipulation that you could not join our online Facebook group, "Lung Cancer Awareness Fresh Air" if you were going to continuously bring up and bicker over religion and politics. And I definitely didn't want any more personal attacks. We get our share of those outside of the group.

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As for me, I'm willing to take all the prayers I can get. This isn't my group page so I'll speak freely about my connection to God on here. He's been my rock and savior and continues to humble me in unexpected ways every day. For example, a few weeks ago, I got really upset with someone in our community. Several of the more experienced members were messaging me to not blast my business on Facebook.

Who am I to judge right from wrong?

Sadly, I rarely do that. In fact, I don't remember another time in my life that I've done that besides the incident a few weeks ago. I feel the only reason I did it was because I had no outlet. It was such a moment of weakness that I sincerely regret. The person I directed my anger towards didn't deserve it. Who am I to judge what is right and what is wrong. It's the man that awaits at the pearly gates that has the power to judge.

I don't personally attack people. Some in the community do. So, although I'm a devout Christian, I respect others' wishes when it comes to religion. I'm not going to shove religion down anyone's throat. It is not part of our religion. I feel if people want to find God, they can certainly ask me privately or find God on their own, in their own time. I'm not the perfect Christian, but can hopefully point you in the right direction. I just know and will always proclaim that my God is amazing. He teaches me to be humble and to love.

Love hard and forgive easily

The problem is, I'm awful at living like God would want me to. I'm reminded of that each time I step back into church; we aren't promised tomorrow. It could be lung cancer that takes me out or that tractor-trailer on I-95. I have heard stories of cancer survivors who fight and are able to go into remission only to pass away in a plane crash or auto accident.

If everyone lived on this earth and treated it as though it were there last, what a wonderful world it would be. Evil wouldn't win. Love and kindness would win. I've made my share of mistakes in this world but I can guarantee you it isn't because I'm a mean person. I feel as though my brain is mush and I say the rudest and dumbest things. I don't even think anymore and it's even getting harder to read and write.

So, I ask that you love hard and forgive easily. You never know when you'll be in this position.

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