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Care Partner Observations

Many times it’s hard for a care partner to truly give their thoughts, especially when their loved ones are the ones going through the process of lung cancer. Sometimes you may not know when to jump in on that spiral of their journey as it’s not our journey, and though we as caregivers/partners may have our own stuff going on, we try not to infringe by staying present on what and why we’re needed.

My observation: Comprehending

I can say that understanding the terminology may have been even more frustrating for my mother; as all the questions coming from our end of who, what, and why? She may have been processing the how. It may have been just after her passing that I truly or semi understood the two forms of lung cancer SCLC (Small Cell Lung Cancer) and NSCLC (Non-Small Lung Cell Cancer). I may be wrong but perhaps she didn’t fully understand the complex terms or what they meant and the huge contrast between the two.

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When hearing the words small cell, for most the thought may be this is not as dire, and assume that SCLS is a small problem, when in fact this particular form can actually metastasize faster and become more problematic. I won’t go in again on my mom’s experience with her doctors but will say if time, care, and being delicate in working with someone being told they have lung cancer, well I would like to believe it would make somewhat of a difference.

My observation: Breathing

I remember one day coming from work and staying the night at my mother’s house. I know she was tired from her short experience with the medications. I slept in my mom’s room and it was at some point while we slept that I woke up to a dreadful noise. What could this noise be that would wake my mom up from her slumber, little did I know after some time that it was in fact, my mother breathing while she slept. I’m not sure but I think at some point I may have touched her to see if she was okay and she woke up, to continue the same uncomfortable and startling sound of trying to get that breath through her lungs. Perhaps it was at that time I became scared of what the future held for this young woman who barely turned 63 when she was diagnosed.

My observation: Little noise

I’m so happy that in 2022 the movement of newer targeted therapies is an option for the many, and it makes for a brighter day. Unfortunately with lung cancer just as with some others, it makes a difference how early you get diagnosed. I like seeing that biomarkers, new FDA therapies along with some combination therapies are on the table. I’ve said this before a patient going through the trials most of all wants options at the end of the day. I’m happy to see some positive development, but the narrative should be pushing forward to these newer developments rather than what lung cancer can do; sometimes those commercials seem to be the poster face of what lung cancer looks like and the most extreme. The noise is still limited and can be improved upon.

Observation can be a hard thing to do, but again we’re there to support and help raise the curtains on lung cancer awareness from our perspective as well.

The time to fight is now, with integrity, grace, hope, and a smile...when you feel like it.

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