failure before successMine is a success story but before success, I had to go through failures. I have cancer and it's been several years and I have tried several means to treat...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesTreatment
chemo questionsI'm afraid to start chemo. I don't want to loose all my hair. Ok, I'm already bald, but still...Reactions0reactionsComments13 repliesTreatment
SwellingHave really bad odema in feet and hands. Due to tumour. Any ideas of what can help....Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesTreatment
TarcevaI’ve been on Tarceva almost 2 years. I’ve had some weird side effects - from head to toe - literally. I’ve had a yearlong battle with an infection in my...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTreatment
Gemcitabine - Any Information?I am to try this Chemo drug. Has anyone ever tried it? I am worried about chemo brain fog which I had with past chemo drug Alimta. It was terrible...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTreatment
Opdivo?Had an MRI of the thoracic spine that showed mass on my right lung. Had very painful VATS surgery which diagnosed me with stage 3b adenocarcinoma lung cancer. The cancer...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTreatment
Things to consider when choosing treatmentAfter reading the article Things to Consider When Choosing Where to Be Treated (full disclosure, written by my mom, Dusty) I was wondering what other people's experiences are. Were you...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTreatment