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Had an MRI of the thoracic spine that showed mass on my right lung. Had very painful VATS surgery which diagnosed me with stage 3b adenocarcinoma lung cancer. The cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. I'm wondering if I qualify for Opdivo.

  1. Hi ,

    Thank you for your question! While we cannot offer medical advice online, for your own safety, you may find this article on Opdivo helpful, in addition to definitely speaking with your doctor, oncologist, or healthcare provider if you have not already! which states, "Opdivo is used to treat patients with metastatic (spread to distant parts of the body) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that has progressed after being treated with chemotherapy containing platinum. " Thinking of you! Please do keep us updated if you speak with your healthcare team!

    Margot, Team Member

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