My mother was recently diagnosed with adenocarcinoma EGFR mutant, Exon 19 deletion, TP53, MYC. One primary tumor in the lung, one brain mets 1.2cm and two lymph nodes in the lung same side.
She has been given tarceva and the tumor had shown a reduction. She had already undergone SRT for the brain mets.
After her gene panel arrived, her oncologist started her on statins, celecoxib, doxycycline as they were recommended as “potentiating medications.” For now her feet are slightly swollen and little bit of swelling on her face.
Has anyone else had a similar experience? Also her oncologist wants exhaust all targeted therapy options before moving on to immunotherapy as she has a high PD L1 expression. Is this a good idea?
Any advice is greatly appreciated. She is 72 also suffers from aortic stenosis and lumbar spondylosis.