Hi, all,
After beating stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma for 5 years, I was presented with this new diagnosis of Stage 3B NSCLC adenocarcinoma in Jan 2022. I have 2 lymph node involvements, one in my hilar lymph node, and one in my paratracheal lymph node. The disease has been staged 3B, pT1, pN2, cM0.
I have started chemo & targeted therapy with Carboplatin, Pemetrexed (Alimta) and Bevacizumab (Avastin). I am having 6 treatments, ending in May 2022.
Of particular concern is that I have been deemed to not be a good candidate for checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy, due to the risk of pneumonitis from my existing lung diseases (COPD and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis). Also, I'm not a candidate for radiotherapy due to the risk of damage to the already diseased lung tissue. So, I guess that my options are kind of limited. My results have been negative for all the genetic testing, as well as STAMP testing for MSH6.
I only have one more chemo treatment remaining. I'm tolerating it fairly well, except for the side effects of the Bevacizumab, which has been nose bleeds and flu-like symptoms. I also have severe constipation and severe fatigue.
Additionally, my wife has stage 4 breast cancer! She has had her first round of chemo and is responding well. She's now on chemo maintenance oral drugs, and is doing pretty well. As you can imagine, this makes our situation even more stressful and uncertain.
Our lives and our retirement plans have been completely upset by this cancer stuff. I am devastated.