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Initial Diagnosis: Emotions

How would you describe how you felt when you received your diagnosis? What advice would you have for someone who is on the path to a diagnosis or is at the beginning of their lung cancer journey?

  1. I remember feeling matter of fact about it initially. But your brain screams "You have cancer!" I didn't panic. Or cry. Or ask " why me?". My partner was no support. I wasn't a surgical candidate (lung cancer) but it had been caught early and I had radiation treatments. 3 months later, I had a stroke. I suggest that you have someone with you for every treatment and office visit. Don't sit there alone like I did.

    1. the stroke left me weak. My left side is weakened. I need my walker when out and about, like to the doctor's or out to eat. I don't get out much simply because it's such an effort. Physically. I can't write in cursive except for my signature and I practiced and practiced to be able to do it. I have some aphasia. I tire easily. But I'm okay.

    2. I can hear how difficult this is for you. Your body has been through a lot and it is understandable that it is tired and weak. Through everything you have been though, I am so glad to hear you are ok. Please feel free to come to our community whenever you need. Sending you lots of strength. Jill (Team Member)

  2. betrayed

    1. I can understand why you would feel like that. What treatments have you tried? Jill (Team Member)

    2. I can only imagine what your experience has been so far. Wishing it all works out and brighter days are ahead. Best!
      Yolanda (Team Member)

  3. That was going on six years ago. My memory has become worse so I don’t know how to answer that truthfully. I do remember thinking that this doesn’t seem like what lung cancer would be like. Most of the issues are from I seriously considered suicide.

    1. you have been through so much! I remember from your earlier posts how difficult your journey has been. It is really nice to hear from you again. Jill (Team Member)

  4. I was diagnosed with lung cancer after a persistent cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue, and unexpected weight loss. Tests confirmed the diagnosis, leaving me shocked and depressed. Despite the emotional struggle, I am determined to fight the disease with the support of my medical team and loved ones.

    1. I'm sure the shock of this can be overwhelming and to be expected. I agree having the support system and everyone on deck is so very important, especially if you have the support. Have you started any treatment measures as of yet? Wishing you the very best on this journey! You got this!
      Yolanda (Team Member)

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