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Do you see bigger and fast growing tumors in a Bronchoskopy?

I had a CT native thorax in Dec which was clear. But my symptoms since then have become worse. 2 weeks ago I had a Bronchoskopy.
Can they miss a big or fast growing sclc in the Bronchoskopy?
I am in panic I have a fast growing sclc.
Done 2 thorax x-rays, one native thorax CT and lung Bronchoskopy.

  1. It seems like you have had quite a few diagnostic tests, I can't imagine anything being missed with xrays, CT and a bronchoscopy. But if you have any doubts, do not hesitate to discuss them with your doctors and if possible, get a second opinion. Also, have you seen a critical care pulmonologist about your worsening symptoms? Thinking of you, Alisa, Lung Cancer Team Patient Leader

    1. I have panic that the sclc will kill me fast. Is this realistic or just too much panic? Please help or reply. Thank you

      1. Every case is different. There is limited sclc and more extensive sclc. Other health factors may come into play. I can say that there have been advances in treatment for small cell and a lot of attention/research in that area going on. I understand the panic, but I have friends in the community that are responding very nicely to their small cell treatment, there is hope! I highly suggest talking to your doctor and get answers. All the best! ~ Alisa

    2. Thy for answer!

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