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Dealing with Grief & Loss

Have you lost someone recently to lung cancer?

How do you find yourself dealing with the loss and grief that comes with it?

  1. I lost my mother to lung cancer almost 14 years ago, and it has been a whirlwind. I would say coping takes time and everyone affected will react in their way. I think of her when I find myself in a bind and asking "What would Mae say"? A smile, laughter from her wit, and happy thoughts help me the rest of the way.

    1. I lost my Mom to lung cancer a few months before my own lung cancer diagnosis. I was a single mom of very active young twin boys, I didn't have much time to grieve properly as a few months after I was fighting for my life to be here for my sons. I don't think I ever grieved properly, I still can't think about my Mom without welling up with tears. I try so hard to only remember the fun times, but the pain gets in the way. I do talk about her with my sons and keep her pictures around my home, they were young when she passed and I want to keep her memory alive for them.

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