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Chronic cough worried about x-ray results

Hi so Im 31 years old male I have smoking for about 15 years. The last 3 years I've developed a chronic cough that does not go away and sometimes chest pain I went to the doctor and did a chest x-ray. They only found one thing that got me concerned. Doctors said it might be enlarged lymph nodes there so ordered a CT scan I'm really scared now what does this mean?

  1. Enlarged lymph nodes can also be from infection. Your doctor is going by the right protocol by ordering a CT Scan and possibly a PET scan after, if necessary. I know how scary and overwhelming it can be, I was right where you are 21 years ago. Best to either rule it out or catch it early. Please feel free to update us, we are here for you and here to share our experiences and tips. Wishing you all the best, Alisa, Team

    1. I can only imagine how scared and anxious you may be right now. I hope the CT scan gives further answers, and that it's not anything more serious than the enlarged lymph nodes. Please let us know how everything turns out. Wishing you the very best!

      1. CT did not show a tumor but scan showed enlarged lymph nodes in mediastinum and hili been sent to lungoncologist for further investigation don't know what this means

        1. Perhaps the lung oncologist will order a PET scan to get a further look at what is going on, or a biopsy. If there is any area of concern, best to know now, the earlier the better. There are many new treatments, but of course let's hope they are not needed. Hang in there! ~ Alisa

      2. Ok no mass tumor was found on the ct could it still be cancer?

        1. I have no idea what's going to happen but I'm pretty sure lung heart kidney liver is affected I have most likely had it in lungs for many years

        2. Hoping with all the advanced treatments recently if it turns out to be necessary, there are options. Did the CT results come back yet? ~ Alisa

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