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I have had my fair share of surgeries(alot) But this upcoming liver resection is weighing heavily on my mind. Any suggestions to help me ease my mind. I always ready bible/books

  1. I have had my share of surgeries, too, and I think it is normal to worry. Reading is a good distraction and your faith and reading the bible helps I would think. I think one of the things that would ease my mind is the fact that it is a fairly common procedure and having confidence in the surgeon. I medidate and practice breathwork, which helps me in the moment, but the nerves creep in. In my opinion, the best thing to ease one's mind is when the surgery is in the rear view mirror.

    When is your surgery date? Please feel free to update us and let us know how it went and how you are doing. Wishing you all the best! Warmly, Alisa, Lung Cancer Team Patient Leader

    1. Surgery can make the mind wander all over the place; it can be quite stressful. I agree with the meditation and breathing techniques. I would also suggest getting a few crossword puzzles or adult coloring books to refocus that nervous's another tool to regroup. Wishing you the very best for your surgery!
      Yolanda( Team)

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