NSCLC Experience

In Sept of 2007 I had 2/3 of my right lung removed and doctors thought they had gotten all the cancer. Then April 1st 2010 found out it was back and stage IV. Had two weeks of radiation and started chemo. Had chemo off and on till end of 2015. Dr said chemo was not working anymore. So we started Opdivo Jan 2017. Started having stomach problems June/July. Could not keep anything down. As soon as I ate it came right back up. Dr took me off Opdivo because I was so sick. In and out of the hospital till Sept and had to have a feeding tube put in. Started being able to eat and gained my weight back and stopped using the feeding tube the first of Jan 2018. Feeding tube fell out the middle of Feb and Dr agreed to just leave it out as long as I could keep my weight up. Went to see my new Oncologist end of Feb and he agreed with my previous Dr to leave me off any treatment since my CT Scan showed no change and everything stable. Neither Dr felt like Opdivo caused my stomach problems but I’m just a little worried about going back on it. Even though it did shrink my tumors significantly. I’m still so tired all the time and usually just lay in bed and watch tv.

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