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Not a Usual Saturday

My dear friend was in the hospital and had to have emergency heart surgery. I went to visit her and within 30 minutes of getting there, I became so ill they rushed me to the ER thinking I was having a stroke. After several tests it was discovered I had a mass in my left lung.

Diagnosed with NSCLC

I went to my doctor and was told I needed to have an MRI which I did immediately. The following morning Dr. D called and told me I had a 1 inch in diameter mass and the results went to the cancer board.

It was decided I had NSCLC and the best way to proceed was surgery. God was with me and by removing 1/3 of my left lung I was declared to be cancer-free.

Visitng my friend saved me

The two worst things about having this cancer were, my husband had to go through this again - he lost his first wife to cancer 37 years ago and my dear friend died while saving my life. Had I been at home, I would probably have thought I had eaten something that didn't agree or was getting the flu.

God in heaven sent me to see her in order to save my life. I most definitely celebrate my cancerverserary because I'm 2 years next month cancer-free and I didn't have to leave my husband and know I'll see my friend again someday.

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