Lung Cancer After Bladder Cancer

I was diagnosed with Stage 1 bladder cancer in 2018. After initial surgery and then many BGC immunotherapy infusions and countless anxiety-provoking cystoscopies, I had a recurrence after 20 months.

First CT Scan

My first CT scan revealed a nodule on my right lung but it was determined to just be something to watch. In March of this year I had a radical cystectomy- removal of bladder, uterus, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, appendix and urinary reconstruction with an ileal conduit (external pouch for urine). Recovery acquainted me with what suffering is.

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Thought I was cancer-free

In all of this life-changing upheaval - of course occurring during the pandemic - my lung nodule did not feature clearly in my consciousness. This past August my surgeon ordered abdominal/pelvic and chest CT scans. During my appt with my urologic surgeon to review the results he had good news! Cancer free! My husband and I celebrated during the half-hour car ride home.

Diagnosed with stage 1 lung cancer

As soon as I got in the door my phone rang - it was the thoracic surgeon saying the nodule had changed and he wanted me to have a needle biopsy. The results were not good - Stage 1 lung cancer.


I had VATS surgery (video-assisted thoracic surgery) to remove a plum-sized wedge of my right middle lobe. As I sit here 3 weeks later, my four small incisions are nearly healed. I’m still short of breath sometimes, but I’m grateful that the pathology report indicated clean margins and no lymph node spread.

Feeling depleted

I’m so grateful, really I am, but two cancer surgeries in 6 months have left me sad and depleted. The pandemic is not helping any of us recover or get back to some new normal, because nothing is normal. Thank you for welcoming me into your community! Just feeling really down today. Lori

When or how were you diagnosed?

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