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"I am well. I originally spent spent nearly two nears being tested, scanned, and biopsied with no positive diagnosis. They found nodules in the bottom two lobes of the right lung and a few in the left lung, but couldn't come up with a positive diagnosis of any kind. Finally in December of 2016 I end up in the hospital with the bottom two lobes of the right lung colapsed and 1500ml fluid accumulation on the outside of the lung. Was in the hospital 5 days, they drain the fluid, did a bronchioscope, CT scan, and tested the fluid. Still no diagnosis except suspicious for stage 4 lung cancer. None of the cells that were tested showed up cancer. Went back to oncologist that did a liquid biopsy and that too came back for any genetic mutations. Got tired of messing around and went to Mayo clinic in Jacksonville, FL. They did another broncioscope and went in to the lymph node (that were now affected) through the trachea. I had a stage 4 non small cell lung cancer diagnosis within 2 weeks. They than ran two tests for genetic mutations. Came up with ALK and put on Xalkori which has been doing well for 12 months. The biggest issues I have are the side effects, but they are nothing like they would be on chemo I don't think."


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  • Member Since 2018


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