My Travel Goals While Prioritizing Treatment

In September of last year, I traveled to the ancient cities of Rome and Pisa, Italy. The nine-hour flight on each way and going through three busy international airports took preparations, navigating maps, and getting information for eating places, things to do, train schedules, and places to visit.

Of course, I made sure hospital locations were on my map app in case of emergency. Despite the hot and humid weather, we could visit tourist spots. I totally forgot my illness as I gazed at the ancient beauties before my eyes.

Preparing to travel while having lung cancer

This year, in the first quarter, I got to join my husband for his conference in a city on the Pacific Ocean. You can drive two hours from this city to Seattle.

I decided to reconnect with old friends, visit the ocean beach area, and walk by the downtown waterfront. There were a variety of restaurants to choose from. We loved the seafood restaurants. With a packed schedule, I am thankful I had the needed energy to discover the city.

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As the second quarter of the year approaches, I plan to travel to the eastern part of the country. I am excited to visit the biggest waterfalls in the world again, located by the border of the USA and Canada. The hotel has nice views of the falls.

I will also visit my daughter's family, my paternal relatives, and old friends. I hope to have my CT scans before or after the trip, though I do not have an oncologist appointment during the trip.

Welcoming a new family addition

The first trip in the third quarter of this year has the most exciting purpose. My second grandchild is due. If the ultrasound is correct, we are expecting a baby girl. I would not miss spending time with my daughter and grandchildren.

Since my diagnosis, there have been three graduations, my grandson's third birthday, and soon my granddaughter's childbirth. Thanks to my TKI, I can celebrate family milestones.

Another trip on the same quarter is a visit to a French and English speaking metropolitan city. September is a suitable time for fall flavors and autumnal charms.

Also, the city downtown core is where you can find the best places to visit. Glad that I can take my TKI with me and do not have to think of oncologist appointment.

New adventures near and far

My husband's sabbatical this year brings more opportunities to travel and visit institutions with similar research undertakings. Last but not least, there are plans to visit south of the border and another one in Asia.

I am excited, though a bit worried about the hot weather. But if I survived the travels and the weather in Rome, then I should be fine.

Given my ability and resources to travel, I enjoy planning and setting travel goals every year. Having an illness and undergoing lung cancer treatment will not stop me from going places, especially to places I have never been.

All I need is to plan the trip, set goals, get organized, and set safety measures.

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