A hand draws a picture with a pair of lungs in it

Small Cell Lung Cancer Diagnosis Stories

Small cell lung cancer is rare, found in only 10 to 15 percent of all cases of lung cancer. If you are fighting it, you may feel like you are not hearing much about what it is like to beat this diagnosis.

We wanted to change that.

We reached out on the LungCancer.net Facebook page and asked you to share your SCLC diagnosis story. We heard from 34 members of the community.

Here is some of what was shared.

Now I have 6 more treatments

For many of you, the fight against small cell lung cancer has just begun. For some of you, the treatments are working like clockwork, and you are grateful. For others of you, your body is not yet responding to treatment, and the road ahead is unknown.

“I was diagnosed on Dec 7, 2019, and immediately started immunotherapy. As of now, I have 6 more treatments, then a break. Scans every six months to keep track. My body has responded very well to this treatment.”

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“I was diagnosed in Nov 2018. Since then, I have had 10 rounds of chemo and 10 rounds of immunotherapy. It has not stopped the spread yet. Now in lymph nodes.”

Surgery was the best course of action

For those who have cancer that has not spread through the body, surgery is often a recommended course of action. A few members of the community shared that sections of their lung or an entire lung were removed. Of course, nobody ever wants surgery, much less sacrificing part of an organ, but sometimes every choice is difficult and so we chose the option with the best possible outcome.

“I was diagnosed in August 2018. They removed my whole left lung.”

Every scan shows the cancer shrinking

Some of you are finding that your chemo is aggressively fighting the cancer, and that the results are hopeful. There are no easy answers, but having cancer respond positively to chemo and other treatments is always a blessing.

“I was diagnosed in June last year with stage 4. Started chemo. Every scan shows the cancer shrinking. In the lymph nodes, it is gone. I will be off the chemo in December.”

“I was diagnosed with stage 4 small cell, found in the upper right lobe of right lung with secondary metastatic to the brain and tumor on adrenal gland. Finished chemo in October of 2019 and the lung mass is shrinking to 10 cm. The journey continues.”

I have had good scans since last March

With small cell lung cancer, it is not always a smooth ride to recovery. Many of you have witnessed the cancer spread — but you have also seen it shrink or disappear entirely from those other areas. All you can do is show up to your appointments, stay proactive and do what you can — and for many of you, it is working.

“I was diagnosed with extensive small cell in March of 2017, 4 days after my 50th birthday. I had a 10 cm tumor in my right lung, as well as bone mets. I had a complete response to chemo and then was able to have radiation to lung. I had 14 months of good scans and then I relapsed twice to left adrenal. I have had radiation and combo immunotherapy. I have had good scans since last March. New scans in April. It has been rough but I am blessed and grateful for each day.”

We want to say thank you to everyone who shared their experiences. We appreciate each and every one of you.

If you are living with small cell lung cancer and would like to share your story, you can by going to LungCancer.net's share your story submission page. Tell us your diagnosis story and treatment experiences.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The LungCancer.net team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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