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Three images of a woman who is slowly filling with bright color

Overcoming the Blahs

A case of the blahs can be absolutely debilitating. When you don’t want to do anything. You don’t care about anything. Showering some days is just a difficult task. Getting out of bed and dressing is often my greatest accomplishment. Eating something besides chocolate and potato.

Here are few things that I found that help me to overcome a case of the blahs.

Diet and eating well

I have found that carbs and sugar are the worse culprits in my diet. I want the chocolate and potato chips, but it’s not really worth it to me. When I eat junk, I feel like junk. Perhaps this is true and accurate whether you are on a cancer journey or not. I try to keep my water intake up also although quite difficult some days. Dehydration can cause all sorts of issues like feeling fatigued and sluggish.

How can I get moving more?

Get to moving, but definitely consult with your doctor before jumping into any exercise regimen. My doctor approves light exercise. We have a stationary bike in our home and I have been using it. There are also incredible instruction videos on YouTube for free of charge. I especially enjoy the relaxation and deep breathing yoga videos. Also, working in your home can be exercise. Things like sweeping or mopping can be pretty strenuous and can get the heart rate going.

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Creating order and organization

Find something to organize. There’s always something to clean up and out in my home. We have the wonderful “catch-all” junk drawer in the kitchen. It seems like I could clean it out every month. I enjoy things being tidy and neat and taking something like my medicine cabinet and going through the meds that are expired or no longer needed and doing away with them gives me a boost and sudden feeling of accomplishment. Going through the condiments in the fridge and ridding it of expired salad dressing and salsa is something that needs to be done and gives me a sense of fulfillment also.

Spruce up your home

Having been home so much during all of this that is going on in our world, I have found that I crave change. I get tired of looking at the same thing. Take some things and change them out. You don’t have to go buy new things, just simply rearranging some things gives the home a fresh update. I change out throw pillows and although simple it creates a feeling of newness. Add a house plant to your living space. Something as simple as that can really make a difference in your home.

Getting outside in nature

Find yourself in nature somehow. Enjoy a cup of coffee on the porch or go for a short walk. Allow yourself to feel the warm sun or the gentle breeze. Depending on the season, this might not be possible to do all of the time. However, a short walk to the mailbox breathing in the fresh air does me good.

Do something kind

Sometimes doing for others not only brightens someone else’s day but also helps to boost your mood. Buy someone’s lunch or coffee in line behind you. Send someone a card. This is lost these days, but absolutely effective. Take someone a meal. Don’t feel like prepping or getting out? Send via a delivery service. Make a phone call to check in on a loved one or friend that you haven’t spoken to in a while.

Treat yourself

Do something for yourself. Buy yourself a new book to read. Go get yourself that massage you need. Grab yourself an overpriced coffee and stroll your favorite store. Maybe you need a night alone. Go spend a night at a local hotel and order room service and unplug from everything. Maybe you need to get a babysitter to watch the kids an afternoon. Maybe you are exhausted and tired of cooking and eating your own food. Order take out. Whatever treating yourself looks like to you - go and do that.

Practice self love

It’s just fine to listen to your body when you are tired and blah. You don’t have to make excuses. You don’t have to do the things you just don’t want to do for today. You get to feel the way you feel. Don’t beat yourself up for feeling tired or sad. Don’t what if yourself. Don’t apologize for any of those feelings. Try to meditate and focus on the good as best you can. Tell yourself that this cancer thing isn’t who you are but something that has happened to you. You are still you. Love yourself a little more and grant yourself a whole lot more grace.

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