Citizens React and Unite

Well, November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Now, what fanfare if any will we see? Will we have the color white adorned throughout like our cancer survivors of breast cancer? Maybe not but rather hinder the disparities because there indeed are disparities, let’s see what each of us can do within this month to pass the baton.

Open up and talk

Some may not want to discuss what they have going on, for patients of lung cancer I’m sure some may want to shy away from the discussion. Talking about the disease and the process can bring relief when you surround yourself with people going through the same issue in surviving this cancer. I know my mom felt a shine of positivity when she sat in on a few support groups at her hospital. Sometimes a simple commune with people like you makes things a bit adaptable. If chatting it up with strangers doesn’t do it for you, have a sit down with family who shares this journey with you.

What’s in a ribbon?

Consider showing awareness this month by wearing your own white ribbon. Share the message with family and friends to do the same, as this will then open up the possible conversation. “What does the white stand for”? The more people hear the words lung cancer they can treat this cancer as one that is just as important. We live in the age of social media, so if you have an Instagram account or Facebook, why not share the sentiment, and explain what the white ribbon represents. I plan to do the same for my organization Mae’s Breath. Remember the ribbons were created to represent many of the chronic illness causes out here.

Make medical decisions right for you

Though we want the month to be in remembrance of one living or one passed on in the fight of lung cancer; we do want to bring recognition in any way we can. For those living with the disease embrace the month in giving back to you. Why not take part in doing something you’ve wanted to do by living through the task in this month? Are you feeling achy and want a break from the new norm of treatment? If you can, based on your doctor's approval try a massage; what better way to relax and unwind.

Citizens react and unite!

So here are a few things to consider. Do you have any other suggestions? Many people and organizations arrange a walk or run to bring awareness to the month. I came upon another cool idea as bringing awareness through the educational route. Consider using drawings or inflated balloons showing the lung and its function. How about sharing your story as everyone has a different story that someone somewhere can relate to? Let’s get out and share the sentiment that lung cancer deserves the recognition with all of the citizens in place. Let’s react and unite for this important cause.

The time to fight is now, with integrity, grace, hope, and a smile...when you feel like it.

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