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I try to think all is well until I'm told it's not and then deal with the options at that time. I was so incredibly scared when I was first diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and wasted many a day living in fear then decided I wanted to live with purpose every day I got to have and enjoy life. Also, I don't read my results until I'm heading into get them from my oncologist. I don't know what he does and may see impending doom when in fact it may just be a bump in the road that we can navigate.

  1. Hi it is so great to hear how positive your mindset is. You make so many great points about living life in the present. Thank you for sharing. Jill (Team Member)

    1. It seems like you're following the right steps. As many love the availability of MyCharts and having access to test results before seeing a doctor, it can bring up other anxiety if the results are questionable. I'm happy you've moved ahead in what works for you. I know it's hard trying to stay positive when the reality is you just don't know. I hope you continue moving forward and enjoying life and what is in your control. Keep at it!
      Wishing you the very best!
      Yolanda (Team Member)

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