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Nerve pain from tumor

I recently found out I have stage 3 lung cancer with an 8.7 centimeter tumor sitting on my chest smashing my nerves & main artery to my heart. I start chemotherapy this week & radiation on the 27th. I have horrible nerve pain and feels like I have a sun burn. What are different things to relieve the pain?

  1. I am sorry you were diagnosed with lung cancer and having pain. I had surgery and chemo, but no radiation. My mom had chemo and radiation and her skin felt like it was burnt also. I'm attaching two links below to articles written by our Editorial Team that I hope helps. I would talk to your doctor about the nerve pain and report any other side effects. Please feel free to follow up with us, we are here to share and support each other. Wishing you all the best, Alisa, Lung Cancer Team Patient Leader

    1. I hope your time with chemo this week wasn't too much, as I'm sure this is all new and scary. I agree as mentioned you should speak with your medical team about some options to consider in relieving the pain, especially as you're now starting chemo, you don't want anything to cause further issues. Wishing you the very best with everything!
      Yolanda( Team)

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