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my sister's diagnosis

My sister had thyroid cancer and treatment last summer and a follow up full scan showed a mass on her upper right lobe. It is 3.8 cm and is surrounded by 2 satellite lesions. She is having a consult with a lung surgeon and I'm sure she will need a biopsy to confirm diagnosis. I'm just filled with fear. She's 55 and I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar story.

  1. I have lung cancer, never had thyroid cancer. It sounds like your sister's two diagnoses are independent of each other? A lung surgeon is the place to start, the doctor will know what diagnostic steps to take. I'm attaching a link below to an article by our editorial team that I hope helps. Please feel feel to follow up with us, we are here for you both. Wishing you and your sister all the best, Alisa, Team

    1. Hi . So sorry to hear about your sister's situation. She is very lucky to have you seeking information and advocating on her behalf. Just to add to the excellent information from , this article from our contributor is on must know information for the newly diagnosed lung cancer patient: In addition, I want to let you know that we have information and resources for family and loved ones. Please feel free to keep us posted and ask additional questions as you find out more about your sister's diagnosis. This community is here for both of you. Best, Richard ( Team)

      1. Thank you so much! I will definitely be checking in.

        1. My sister just had a PET scan that didn’t show any activity outside of her lung so we are grateful that it may mean the cancer is contained in the lung. She’s meeting with the lung surgeon on Tuesday to discuss next steps. Surgery and … Would appreciate to hear from anyone who has gone through a similar path.

          1. My PET scan showed very little activity in area of lung and no where else. Since nodule seemed to be very small a lobectomy was done thru DaVinci. If it can be removed this way, I highly recommend it. Pain is minimal and back to normal quickly. I did not need chemo but those that have for same type of cancer have no issues as with biomarking.they can determine best way to treat it. I recommend that your sister get the best thoracic surgeon she can find and subsequently, if needed a good cancer center up to date on treatment for lung cancer. All the best.

          2. Great to hear your nodule was caught so early and surgery went so well. I agree, best to go to a cancer center rather than a regional hospital. Thank you for sharing with our community. Best, Alisa

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