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Mycobacterium intracellular Infection

After 2 1/2 years cancer free I was diagnosed with mycobacterium intracellular infection in the lung. Has anyone else experienced this. What treatment were you given.

  1. I have not personally experienced this, I hope others in our community will join in the discussion and share their experiences. What treatment does your medical care team propose? Thinking of you, Alisa, Team

    1. I'm on 3 different antibiotics. Will be a long time. 15 to 18 months. Not ruling out surgery down the road.

      1. Please keep us posted if you'd like, hoping the infection clears and surgery not needed. Best, Alisa

      2. We are here for you! ~ Alisa

    2. Hi . So sorry to hear about the infection. While Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC) is quite rare in lung cancer patients, it obviously does happen (see: It does sound like the extensive antimicrobial treatments are standard treatment, as discussed in this article:,also%20used%20as%20additional%20agents. Of course, every person and case is individual and it is important to get the right treatment for you. Hoping you are feeling better soon. Best, Richard ( Team)

      1. Richard, Thank you for the article. I just started my journey, but so far so good.

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