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Dry scratchy throat

New to lung cancer. Also, new to this forum. Hoping I can learn a bit to help me thru. Had my first chemo session last week. They said side affects might be coming. Lucky me, nothing yet except, I’ve developed an extremely sore, scratchy throat. I find myself unable to swallow without grimacing in extreme pain. Would this condition be result of the chemo? What can I do to cool things off so I can eat and drink. I’ve already lost 50 lbs and can’t afford to drop anymore. What do you use to deal with this agony.

  1. Hi welcome to our community!! I am so glad you found us. We are here to help support you. Please feel free to reach out at any time with questions, concerns or if you just need to vent. I am glad to hear your first chemo treatment went ok. Unfortunately mouth sores can occur for those undergoing chemotherapy, which can make your throat feel dry and hard to swallow. Take a look at this article that discusses this and tips that I hope can help: In this article, you will also see links to additional articles that provide more information. I do hope this helps you, however, we are not medical professionals, so I would definitely encourage you to reach out to your doctor as well to let them know what is going on. I really hope you can get relief. Jill, team

    1. Welcome to the community!
      As mentioned we can't provide medical advice but not only should you ask your doctor for suggestions, but also a qualified dietician. They may be able to suggest further some foods to stay away from or limit while managing dry mouth and sores and foods to successfully help you regain your weight. Wishing you the very best!
      Yolanda( Team)

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