Man holds a box overflowing with gifts

The Ideal Care Package for Someone with Lung Cancer

Many times when someone has lung cancer we do not know exactly how to help. Friends and family often want to give something but do not know what. Likewise, sometimes people with cancer do not know what to ask for when someone offers to give or help.

To start a conversation about what gifts and services are most appreciated by people with lung cancer, we reached out to community members on our Facebook page and asked, What would be in your ideal cancer care package?

A number of community members responded, and here is what they said.

Care packages with ready-made meals

It makes sense that one of the most common requests was for prepared meals. When we are fighting disease, we are lacking energy and often too tired to make a home-cooked meal. In this era of delivered meals, it would be easy to send a loved one with lung cancer a few meals so cooking is less of a chore. Alternatively, several community members said they would appreciate help with meal preparation in any way.

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“I would want a package from a company like Freshly or similar to send these healthy dinners and other ready-made meals to our doors so all we have to do is heat them up.”

“Someone for food prep.”

Chicken noodle soup as part of a care package

Soup is one of the most nourishing and comforting foods available. Plus, soup is an easy thing to make and give to someone. Homemade is great, but even takeout would be appreciated by community members.

“Chicken rice soup.”

“Chicken noodle soup.”

Care packages including cold treats

Ice cream, sherbets, sorbets, and popsicles tend to be requested by people fighting lung cancer for several reasons. Often, cancer treatments leave someone with a sore throat and sore mouth, and ice cream and similar foods are easy to eat because they are cold, soft, and soothing. Many people dealing with lung cancer also have a hard time eating, and thus keeping weight on, so food like ice cream can be helpful.

“When I was sick, I would have wanted an endless supply of popsicles.”

“Orange milkshake.”

“Lime sherbet.”

Fresh sheets are a comforting gift

So many community members shared how important good sleep is during the healing process. Although you cannot gift someone sleep, you can give them items that can help them achieve rest. Things like soft blankets and comforters can keep them warm and cozy during treatment at the hospital or when napping at home. An essential oil diffuser, warm socks, or pajamas would work, too. Alternatively, helping someone by washing their sheets or making tea for them and tucking them in could be a nice gift as well.

“When I was not feeling well, I enjoyed a nice bed.”

“My clean sheets.”

“Peaceful sleep.”

The gift of house cleaning for people cancer

When someone is undergoing cancer treatments, they usually feel too exhausted to do housework. One of the nicest, most thoughtful gifts for a person with lung cancer is to send over a cleaning service at a time that works for them. Or, if you are good at cleaning and are up to the task, it is a wonderful gift to clean someone’s house for them.

“A house-cleaning service.”

“A year’s worth of monthly apartment cleaning.”

What would be in your ideal care package?

Thank you to everyone who shared their experiences for this story. It is our hope that your words inspire loved ones to help and empower people with cancer to ask for what they would most like during this challenging time.

What would you like in your ideal care package? Tell us in the comments!

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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